To a lot of people, their vehicle is one of their most important possessions because it not only helps them go places, but it also helps them maintain employment as well. For people facing insurmountable debt, being able to keep their vehicle becomes a real worry, especially when a creditor threatens repossession.
At Schwartz Bankruptcy Law Center, we understand the immense worry and stress that is felt by those facing a possible car repossession. For more than over 38 years, attorney Richard A. Schwartz has been helping individuals fight the seemingly uphill battle to retain the rights to their car, maintain employment and recover financially from their debt obligation. If you’re facing the same situation, our firm can help.
Just because you’re facing considerable debt and the possibility of filing for bankruptcy does not mean you have to lose all of your possessions to creditors. Many of your possessions, including your vehicle, will be considered exempt in a bankruptcy filing. Whether your vehicle is considered exempt or not depends on your specific situation:
If you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy and your car has already been repossessed, you may be able to get it back as long as it has not already been sold prior to your filing. You must act quickly because once it is auctioned off, you may not get it back.
When you contact our firm, you will be scheduled for a consultation with one of our skilled and experienced bankruptcy lawyers. We will give you the time you need to fully explain your financial situation and then discuss debt relief options that give you peace of mind and help you keep your vehicle.
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